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Bamboo Blinds - Ochlandra Closed - BB008
Bamboo Blinds - Ochlandra Closed - BB008
Our premium blinds are made from Ochlandra bamboo that have inter-node gap of 4ft and above.
The long inter-nodal gap of Ochlandra provides long straight strips and each strip retains the natural skin barrier for long life unlike other bamboo blinds made in India or imported from China.
The blinds are hand woven in a repurposed cloth weaving machine.
The blinds are either coated with melamine for indoors and coated with pure CSNL or painted for the outdoors as per the choice of our clients.
The thread for weaving the blinds and side stitching is done with fishing grade cloth for longevity.
Write us at: sales@bamboopecker.com
Handmade with Love
Go Green for a Better Tomorrow
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If you would like to customize sizes or you would like to design your furniture for your specific needs, please get in touch with our customer relationship manager - sales@bamboopecker.com
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